Đặt câu với từ "palpate|palpated|palpates|palpating"

1. Differences of height palpating right and left cristae iliacae can be reversible.

2. The Bimanual spleen technique is used also to palpate the spleen

3. The Olecranon process, lateral, and medial epicondyles should be palpated for tenderness.

4. Palpation and percussion can alter bowel sounds, so you'd inspect, Auscultate, percuss, then palpate an abdomen

5. The Adnexae are palpated via bimanual palpation in the lateral fornices (see the linked item vagina)

6. In this position, above the adductor tubercle, a depression known as Jobert’s fossa is palpated.

7. • Nodules may be palpated in subcutaneous tissue, usually on extensor surfaces of limbs Other Symptoms

8. Auscultate carotid arteries bilateral for bruits (1 at a time) (1 pt) Palpate pulses: brachial, radial

9. Palpate neurovascular bundle as it courses over the Abaxial surfaces of the proximal sesamoid bones

10. A doctor might palpate or listen to the Apical pulse when evaluating a person’s heart

11. (a) After the epiglottis is identified by palpating it with the long finger of the left hand, the Bougie is threaded through the glottis and advanced into the trachea.

12. 6 There were many photoreceptor Like structures and tiny fits similar to nerve palpate or neurilemma in the tissues of the tumor, especially many filaments and microtubules in the tumor cells.

13. Bimanual examination A part of the standard pelvic examination, in which two fingers of one hand are inserted in the vagina and the other hand gently palpates the uterus, cervix and adnexae, to evaluate …

14. ‘The presence of Crepitus indicates subcutaneous emphysema.’ ‘Subcutaneous emphysema can be diagnosed by the presence of crunching sounds coinciding with the heart rate, Crepitus when palpating the overlying skin, or swelling of the face and neck.’

15. ‘The patients were randomly assigned to undergo cardioversion with anteroposterior or Anterolateral placement of paddles.’ ‘The submandibular glands located in the Anterolateral floor of the mouth are palpated by placing the fingertips of one hand in the floor of the mouth while the fingertips of the other hand are placed under the chin to support the mandible.’